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Organization Reflects on 2020


Season’s Greetings!

The holiday season is often an opportunity to reflect on the past 365 days and look to the future. 2020 has been a difficult year, to say the least, but with adversity comes strength, and the wisdom to overcome future challenges.

Last December, Independence, Inc. was preparing for another busy year full of in-person events and program expansion. We had so much momentum and were hopeful the upcoming programs and events would be a smashing success. Then...March happened. Like many of you, our lives changed overnight. We were suddenly working remotely, gathering supplies, and implementing practices to protect the health of the people we serve while continuing to deliver services. Our organization quickly shifted to online appointments and started holding virtual classes to help North Dakotans stay connected, exercise mental wellness, and advance self-sufficiency in isolation. The team transformed into IT specialists, unconventional problem-solvers, and personal cheerleaders for those in need of encouragement. The agency became a go-to source for information sharing and COVID-19 updates in our community. We led educational digital campaigns to help people learn about disability-related topics and how to safely cast a ballot in the midst of a pandemic. Our youth transition team launched a virtual peer support program and career exploration experience for high school students with disabilities. And finally, Independence, Inc. started the process of rebranding our visual identity and phasing out our outdated statue-of-liberty logo.

While 2020 was not the year humanity signed up for, we found ways to persevere and make the most of it. The pandemic challenged all of us, but we pressed on and were reminded of our resilience. We as North Dakotans and people with disabilities are instilled with the drive and determination to prevail. As we continue to reflect on the past twelve months and ring in the new year, let’s not forget to celebrate our accomplishments and can-do spirit. We all deserve a round of applause for managing to get through this grueling year and should find solace knowing that brighter days are ahead.

To learn more about Independence, Inc., and how we can help you achieve your independent living goals in 2021, please contact our office at 701-839-4724.



На сьогоднішній день нам з вами важливо завжди бути в інформаційному просторі, щоб не пропустити важливу новину або подію. Адже саме завдяки якісному новинному порталу, ми з вами щодня дізнаємося велику кількість інформації. Мені дуже пощастило, що я можу користуватися новинним порталом, який надає мені всі найактуальніші та перевірені новини з різних сфер діяльності. Так, наприклад, я нещодавно дізнався для себе більше про професію IOS-розробника, що викликало у мене купу емоцій, адже до цього я навіть уявити собі не міг, що ця професія вміщує в себе такі завдання. Та й плюс до всього, крім професії IOS-розробника, я дізнався про ще велику кількість різних професій, які завдяки такому новинному порталу відкрилися мені зовсім з іншого боку. Я дуже вдячний…


Independence, Inc.

Minot Office

315 3rd Avenue SW

Minot, ND 58701

Phone: 701-839-4724 V/TDD
800-377-5114 V/TDD

Text Line: 701-509-2335
Fax: 701-838-1677

Office Hours:

M-F 8:00am-4:30pm

Bottineau Office

519 Main Street, Suite 4

Bottineau, ND 58318

Phone: 701-228-2221

Fax: 701-228-2268

Office Hours:

M-F 8:00am-4:30pm

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